Wednesday, June 28, 2017

He who walks behind the rows

Wednesday was tough. As it cools down I have been catching up on sleep and not wanting to get out of bed. Yesterday I smashed my ankle with a brick while tamping a bag closed.  :(   boooo hue hue hoooo. But surprisingly by the end of the day my wolverine healing powers had kicked in and I felt good and wasn't limping. Sand gets in your shoes and scrunches your toes and it makes everything harder. Today I had enough and took my shoes off and emptied the sand at least 3 times before I finished for the day.
      The pictures may not show it clearly, but I sawed off the doorway supports today and covered the stumps with cement for safety. The permanent floor will cover all that stuff anyway. I also screwed one more set of door fastening wood ready to be sandwiched in between this and the next row.

It's been four rows to the top for the past four rows, what is going on?
If you try to explain it to someone, who has never seen it,
I am fairly certain they will think you're insane!
Then they see it, and it is CONFIRMED. You ARE INSANE.

Admit it, you finally see how these rows are SEXY!
(btw the camera is crooked not the wall !!!!!!!!!!!)
You know all about this by now. You don't even need to go to Cal-Earth
Supports gone! Stumps covered! Safety first!
It will be quite a BAÑO!
Don't be so critical! Lime Stucco will make it awesome!
See I told you, crooked camera, the dome is fine.
Around row 14 everybody loses it. 
Hand made sand house: 90% Mojave Desert Sand, 10% Evil Empire.
Music, thats how. I have a portable speaker with usb for playing off a flash drive.
Finally the heat wave is subsiding  ;)