Sunday, November 6, 2016

In the details, the devil is.

The smaller dome is 100% covered with stucco! Don't get me wrong, there are some UGLY spots, but when you stucco upside down standing on a ladder, craning your neck to avoid the hanging porthole, you take what you can get. For some reason this stucco looks great in photos even when there is some unevenness. Raquel made some really nice looking rows and did half of the connecting archway too. I finished around the porthole and dog ear cubbies, and FINALLY did a first pass around the window. I almost nearly screwed that up though. Maybe I'll show the mistake followed by the fix and then what the difference is in small print at the bottom, like a quiz.

The worksite. btw I actually do reuse this Target bag. It has towels and clothes in it, not Target stuff. 
The lead singer of the desert rock band The Silverfish. 
Okay Google. those pics were in order, why can't you just put them together, why did you have to over think it, and reorder them? It looks 75% less cool! That could be their slogan: "75% less cool photos with Google Photo Assistant®"
Oops! Do you see it?

That was a close one. Do you know how pissed I would have been... ?

I have some touch up work to do, for sure, but in photos it looks amazing. Good for me and Air B&B. Kidding, not kidding.
Those rows look sweet! Actually they look really, really nice. But yeah it's hard not to stare at that crack. Well, I shoved some wet stucco in there and fixed it! Let's take a look at it next week. The other cracks I like.
The flash is on, because this was done all in the dark! The sun had set and Raquel was pushing through because there was a half a pan of stucco left! What a trooper. Raquel does not get angry! She kicks anger's ass and makes smooth walls! XOXO
Now I get why my Grandpa always said I was gonna break his camera with the faces I was making.  XP
The magic hour approaches!
It was actually 10X more orange and contrasty but the phone camera lightened it up. :(
This was pretty close to true color and exposure.  
Where did Goat Mountain go? Peekaboo!
Nothing witty to say.


I accidentally made the rows uneven around the window. After you cover the rows with stucco, you must let it set and then articulate the bag rows. I had covered it so much I made the rows wrong. I had the wrong row go up and over the window and it was not symmetrical. Luckily this stuf can be forgiving if you work it before it sets. Once it gets stiff, it just crumbles if you try to move it.